Sixth generation | 1998-2001 | GD-ROM, CD-ROM, Mini-CD
Games: 619 | Units sold: 9.13m
SEGA’s final console was the first to release in the sixth generation, and would compete briefly with the PlayStation 2, before exiting the hardware market prior to the release of Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo’s GameCube. The arcade-leaning nature of its games led to a host of fan favourites, including SoulCalibur, Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, as well as the mega-ambitious Shenmue, the most expensive game ever made at the time. The system has also received praise for its innovative VMU memory card with screen.
Games: 619 | Units sold: 9.13m
SEGA’s final console was the first to release in the sixth generation, and would compete briefly with the PlayStation 2, before exiting the hardware market prior to the release of Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo’s GameCube. The arcade-leaning nature of its games led to a host of fan favourites, including SoulCalibur, Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, as well as the mega-ambitious Shenmue, the most expensive game ever made at the time. The system has also received praise for its innovative VMU memory card with screen.